I’m already hooked and have started buying fun accessories for me and for the bus! I wore my “Don’t quit your daydream” VW shirt today while out shopping and found this awesome metal VW Bus sign, fabric that I’ll likely use to make either side curtains or throw pillows for the bus and got some paper in the shades I think I’ll be painting her (aqua/ivory)! Since it’s Amazon Prime day, I snagged deals on a single burner Coleman butane stove with a carrying case and a hanging strap for ho knows what, but I’ve used a similar one before while camping and it came in very handy. I’ve also got my eye on a camping refrigerator/freezer, but need to do some comparison shopping on those first.
Sean’s Aunt Mary Lynn made me smile when she told me this unknown fact about my late in laws, Bill and Sharon:
“Bill must be smiling down on you, many years ago his dream was to have a VW bus and wanted Sharon to travel the country with him! ( that was in his hippie days, lol)!! ❤”
Perhaps he had a hand in steering me down that road I wouldn’t have taken that led me to the bus, but I will definitely honor their hippie days in the bus and take their pictures with me on my adventures. Hopefully one of their awesome hippie days photos!
Today marks 20 years since my mother in law passed. I think she’d have been a good road trip companion with me on the bus, at least I know I’d have someone else not afraid to sing at the top of their lungs while cruising down the road. When we drove together to Central NY for my bridal shower 22 years ago, she was belting out Phantom of the Opera for the majority of the 2.5+ hour drive. She wasn’t necessarily the best singer, but she definitely was the most enthusiastic! Miss her every day ❤️.